Korean J Hematol 1994; 29(1):

Published online March 31, 1994

© The Korean Society of Hematology

야생 영지버섯에 의한 범혈구감소증 환자에서 재조합 인형 GM-CSF의 사용경험

김동조, 전원호, 조은경, 김용태, 서창인

국립의료원 내과

Hematologic Effects of rhGM-CSF in a Patient with Ganoderma-Induced Hypoplastic Pancytopenia

Dong Jo Kim, Won Ho Jeon, Eun Kyung Cho, Yong Tae Kim, Chang In Suh

Department of Internal Medicine, National Medical Center, Seoul, Korea


The current report describes 2 patients with hypoplastic pancytopenia due to Ganoderma tsugae which both patients ingested for 5 days one month earlier.
Case 1) A 41-year-old female patient was transferred to our hospital with 2 week history of chills, fever and headache. Five days before, she was admitted to another
hospital where pancytopenia and decreased bone marrow cellularity (5 %) was found. On admission her leukocyte count was 1,300/㎣(neutrophil 39/㎣): hemoglobin was 6.9 g/dl, platelet count was 16,000/㎣ and reticulocyte was 0.1%. Subcutaneous rhGM-CSF (Lucky Co.,Korea ) at a dose of 6 μg/kg daily was given for 13 days. On the 14th day of treatment leukocyte count reached 13,200/㎣, neutrophil 9,250/㎣ and follow-up bone marrow examination revealed increased cellularity (50%). She experienced no adverse
effects of rhGM-CSF treatment and recovered completely.
Case 2) A 58-year-old male patient, husband of case 1 patient, was admitted with 1 week history of fever and general weakness. On admission leukocyte count was
700/㎣(neutrophil 140/㎣), platelet was 14,000/㎣, hemoglobin was 8.2g/dl, and reticulocyte was 0.1%. Bone marrow examination showed hypocellularity (15%). He recovered with proper antibiotics spontaneously.
We could confirm Ganoderma-induced hypoplastic pancytopenia and in some cases, rhGM-CSF might be considered as a therapeutic modality.

Keywords Pancytopenia; Aplastic anemia; rhGM-CSF; Ganoderma tsugae(Mushroom);


Korean J Hematol 1994; 29(1): 87-93

Published online March 31, 1994

Copyright © The Korean Society of Hematology.

야생 영지버섯에 의한 범혈구감소증 환자에서 재조합 인형 GM-CSF의 사용경험

김동조, 전원호, 조은경, 김용태, 서창인

국립의료원 내과

Hematologic Effects of rhGM-CSF in a Patient with Ganoderma-Induced Hypoplastic Pancytopenia

Dong Jo Kim, Won Ho Jeon, Eun Kyung Cho, Yong Tae Kim, Chang In Suh

Department of Internal Medicine, National Medical Center, Seoul, Korea


The current report describes 2 patients with hypoplastic pancytopenia due to Ganoderma tsugae which both patients ingested for 5 days one month earlier.
Case 1) A 41-year-old female patient was transferred to our hospital with 2 week history of chills, fever and headache. Five days before, she was admitted to another
hospital where pancytopenia and decreased bone marrow cellularity (5 %) was found. On admission her leukocyte count was 1,300/㎣(neutrophil 39/㎣): hemoglobin was 6.9 g/dl, platelet count was 16,000/㎣ and reticulocyte was 0.1%. Subcutaneous rhGM-CSF (Lucky Co.,Korea ) at a dose of 6 μg/kg daily was given for 13 days. On the 14th day of treatment leukocyte count reached 13,200/㎣, neutrophil 9,250/㎣ and follow-up bone marrow examination revealed increased cellularity (50%). She experienced no adverse
effects of rhGM-CSF treatment and recovered completely.
Case 2) A 58-year-old male patient, husband of case 1 patient, was admitted with 1 week history of fever and general weakness. On admission leukocyte count was
700/㎣(neutrophil 140/㎣), platelet was 14,000/㎣, hemoglobin was 8.2g/dl, and reticulocyte was 0.1%. Bone marrow examination showed hypocellularity (15%). He recovered with proper antibiotics spontaneously.
We could confirm Ganoderma-induced hypoplastic pancytopenia and in some cases, rhGM-CSF might be considered as a therapeutic modality.

Keywords: Pancytopenia, Aplastic anemia, rhGM-CSF, Ganoderma tsugae(Mushroom),

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