Similarity Check powered by iThenticate is an initiative started by Crossref to help its members actively engage in efforts to prevent scholarly and professional plagiarism. Although several plagiarism screening tools are already available, they are not well-suited to filtering academic content simply because they need access to the relevant full-text literature to screen. Similarity Check changes this by creating and continuously growing a database of current and archival scholarly literature. The "Similarity Check" logo reassures that the publisher whose content you are reading deposits into Similarity Check and is committed to publishing original research. To find out more about Similarity Check, visit
Christopher Chin Keong Liam, Jim Yu-Hsiang Tiao, Yee Yee Yap, Yi Lin Lee, Jameela Sathar, Simon McRae, Amanda Davis, Jennifer Curnow, Robert Bird, Philip Choi, Pantep Angchaisuksiri, Sim Leng Tien, Joyce Ching Mei Lam, Doyeun Oh, Jin Seok Kim, Sung-Soo Yoon, Raymond Siu-Ming Wong, Carolyn Lauren, Eileen Grace Merriman, Anoop Enjeti, Mark Smith, Ross Ian Baker
Blood Res 2023;58: 36-41Dong Wook Jekarl, Jae Kwon Kim, Jay Ho Han, Howon Lee, Jaeeun Yoo, Jihyang Lim, Yonggoo Kim
Blood Res 2023;58: S1-S7Yoo Jin Lee, Youjin Kim, Sang Hyuk Park, Jae-Cheol Jo
Blood Res 2023;58: S90-S95Eun-Ji Choi
Blood Res 2023;58: S29-S36+82-2-516-6582