Title of Manuscript:
General matters
- 1. This manuscript has not been published elsewhere and will not be published elsewhere.
- 2. The manuscript is typewritten in English with 10 point font and double-line spacing on A4 sized paper.
- 3. Follow the guidelines for length restrictions, abstract, reference, table and figure, supplemental data limits according to their manuscript type.
- 4. Manuscript file is written in the order of abstract (not necessary for Correspondence, Image), introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgment, references, tables and figures.
- 5. Page numbers should be centered at the bottom of each page. Continuous line numbering should be included throughout the manuscript.
- 6. References are numbered in the order of appearance in brackets.
- 7. The manuscript file that has not disclosed the author is provided, where all necessary information is encrypted.
Title page file
- 8. The title of articles with the first letter of the first word capitalized
- 9. The name of the author(s), institutional affiliation(s) and Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) are described.
- 10. Full postal address, telephone and facsimile numbers, and the email address of the corresponding author are provided in English.
- 11. Sources of support should be addressed.
- 12. A running title should be given in 40 characters or shorter including spaces.
Abstract (for Research, and Review) and key words
- 13. A structured abstract is described under 4 subheadings for Research and a non-structured abstract for Review.
Each subheading is of one paragraph for Research.
- 14. It is of no more than 250 words.
- 15. A maximum 6 key words are provided.
- 16. Submission rules are observed.
- 17. The first six authors are listed if there are more than 6 authors.
- 18. Journal titles are abbreviated in accordance with the style of Index Medicus.
Tables and figures
- 19. Tables and figures are not superfluous or overlapping, if any.
- 20. Tables and figures are consistent with the submission rules, if any.
- 21. Each figure should be submitted in a separate file with the future print quality at least 300 dpi, if any.