Case Report

Korean J Hematol 2006; 41(1):

Published online March 30, 2006

© The Korean Society of Hematology

늑막삼출과 주변 림프절 침범이 동반된 다발성골수종 1예

박서진, 성현주, 김정호, 송재우, 송경순

연세대학 의과대학 의학연구소

A Patient with IgA Monoclonal Gammopathy Presenting as Myelomatous Pleural Effusion with Axillary Node Involvement

Seo Jin Park, Hyun Ju Sung, Jeong Ho Kim, Jae Woo Song, Kyung Soon Song

Department of Laboratory Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Abbot Korea Limited, Seoul, Korea


Multiple myeloma is a cancer of plasma cells that produce monoclonal immunoglobulin, and the neoplastic plasma cells typically accumulate in the bone marrow with occasional involvement of other organs. Pleural effusion that is associated with multiple myeloma has been infrequently reported (<6%) and myelomatous pleural effusion is extremely rare (<1%). A 73-year-old woman was admitted to the department of dermatology for skin lesions on both arms and both ankles. A chest radiograph taken on admission showed a nodular lesion in the right upper lung and pleural effusion. Analysis of the pleural fluid revealed many atypical plasma cells, elevated levels of IgA (27.95g/L) and lambda light chain (9.16g/L), and monoclonal IgA-lambda paraprotein on immunofixation. The serum concentrations of IgA were elevated (33.08g/L) while the concentrations of IgG and IgM were decreased. Bone marrow aspirate smears contained increased levels of immature-appearing atypical plasma cells. This is only the third case of myelomatous pleural effusion that has been reported in Korea.

Keywords Multiple myeloma, Pleural effusion, IgA-lambda paraprotein


Case Report

Korean J Hematol 2006; 41(1): 41-45

Published online March 30, 2006

Copyright © The Korean Society of Hematology.

늑막삼출과 주변 림프절 침범이 동반된 다발성골수종 1예

박서진, 성현주, 김정호, 송재우, 송경순

연세대학 의과대학 의학연구소

A Patient with IgA Monoclonal Gammopathy Presenting as Myelomatous Pleural Effusion with Axillary Node Involvement

Seo Jin Park, Hyun Ju Sung, Jeong Ho Kim, Jae Woo Song, Kyung Soon Song

Department of Laboratory Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Abbot Korea Limited, Seoul, Korea


Multiple myeloma is a cancer of plasma cells that produce monoclonal immunoglobulin, and the neoplastic plasma cells typically accumulate in the bone marrow with occasional involvement of other organs. Pleural effusion that is associated with multiple myeloma has been infrequently reported (<6%) and myelomatous pleural effusion is extremely rare (<1%). A 73-year-old woman was admitted to the department of dermatology for skin lesions on both arms and both ankles. A chest radiograph taken on admission showed a nodular lesion in the right upper lung and pleural effusion. Analysis of the pleural fluid revealed many atypical plasma cells, elevated levels of IgA (27.95g/L) and lambda light chain (9.16g/L), and monoclonal IgA-lambda paraprotein on immunofixation. The serum concentrations of IgA were elevated (33.08g/L) while the concentrations of IgG and IgM were decreased. Bone marrow aspirate smears contained increased levels of immature-appearing atypical plasma cells. This is only the third case of myelomatous pleural effusion that has been reported in Korea.

Keywords: Multiple myeloma, Pleural effusion, IgA-lambda paraprotein

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