Korean J Hematol 1995; 30(2):

Published online June 30, 1995

© The Korean Society of Hematology

재생불량성 빈혈에서 중증도에 따른 면역요법의 효과

김병수, 신상원, 김열홍, 김준석

고려대학교 의과대학 내과학교실

The Effect of Immunomodulative Therapy by Severity in Aplastic Anemia

Byung Soo Kim, Sang Won Shin, Yeul Hong Kim, Jun Suk Kim

Department of Internal Medicine, Korea University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea


Background: Oxymetholone(OXY) and antilymphocyte globulin(ALG) are the mainstay treatment of choice for the patients with aplastic anemia who are not candidate for bone
marrow transplantation. We tried to compare the hematologic responses according to the severity of disease.
Methods: Analysis of clinical data of 25 patients who were diagnosed at Guro Hospital as aplastic anemia from July, 1988 to June, 1994 and followed for at least more
than 6 months, was done.
Results: Eleven patients were treated with ALG(4㎎/㎏/day for 4 days) plus OXY(1.5㎎/㎏/day for 6 months) and fourteen patients were treated wish OXY(1.5 ㎎/㎏/day for
6 months) only. Regarding to complete response(CR) rate in cases of undetectable cause, ALG group was 50% and OXY group was 0%. In ALG group of cases with undetectable cause, the CR rate in severe category was 25% and that of moderate category was 67%.
Conclusion: These data suggested that antilymphocyte globulin was more effective than oxymetholone to treat aplastic anemia and the CR rate of severe category was
lower than that of moderate category.

Keywords Aplastic anemia, Antilymphocyte globulin, Oxymetholone


Korean J Hematol 1995; 30(2): 235-243

Published online June 30, 1995

Copyright © The Korean Society of Hematology.

재생불량성 빈혈에서 중증도에 따른 면역요법의 효과

김병수, 신상원, 김열홍, 김준석

고려대학교 의과대학 내과학교실

The Effect of Immunomodulative Therapy by Severity in Aplastic Anemia

Byung Soo Kim, Sang Won Shin, Yeul Hong Kim, Jun Suk Kim

Department of Internal Medicine, Korea University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea


Background: Oxymetholone(OXY) and antilymphocyte globulin(ALG) are the mainstay treatment of choice for the patients with aplastic anemia who are not candidate for bone
marrow transplantation. We tried to compare the hematologic responses according to the severity of disease.
Methods: Analysis of clinical data of 25 patients who were diagnosed at Guro Hospital as aplastic anemia from July, 1988 to June, 1994 and followed for at least more
than 6 months, was done.
Results: Eleven patients were treated with ALG(4㎎/㎏/day for 4 days) plus OXY(1.5㎎/㎏/day for 6 months) and fourteen patients were treated wish OXY(1.5 ㎎/㎏/day for
6 months) only. Regarding to complete response(CR) rate in cases of undetectable cause, ALG group was 50% and OXY group was 0%. In ALG group of cases with undetectable cause, the CR rate in severe category was 25% and that of moderate category was 67%.
Conclusion: These data suggested that antilymphocyte globulin was more effective than oxymetholone to treat aplastic anemia and the CR rate of severe category was
lower than that of moderate category.

Keywords: Aplastic anemia, Antilymphocyte globulin, Oxymetholone

Blood Res
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