Korean J Hematol 1995; 30(1):
Published online March 31, 1995
© The Korean Society of Hematology
이상도, 최덕호, 김덕희, 박경식, 최창필, 이경희, 현명수
포항성모병원 내과,
영남대학교 의과대학 내과학교실
Aplastic anemia characterized by hypocellular bone marrow and pancytopenia of peripheral blood could be induced by various drugs.
The authors experienced a patient with recurred aplastic anemia after repeated ingestion of Ganoderma lucidum. So we report this case with brief review of literature.
Keywords Aplastic anemia, Ganoderma lucidum
Korean J Hematol 1995; 30(1): 141-145
Published online March 31, 1995
Copyright © The Korean Society of Hematology.
이상도, 최덕호, 김덕희, 박경식, 최창필, 이경희, 현명수
포항성모병원 내과,
영남대학교 의과대학 내과학교실
Sang Do Lee, Deog Ho Choi, Deuk Hee Kim, Kyung Sik Park, Chang Pil Choi, Kyung Hee Lee, Myung Soo Hyun
Department of Internal Medicine, Saint Marry Hospital, Pohang, Korea
Department of Internal Medicine, Yeoung Nam University College of Medicine, Taegu, Korea
Aplastic anemia characterized by hypocellular bone marrow and pancytopenia of peripheral blood could be induced by various drugs.
The authors experienced a patient with recurred aplastic anemia after repeated ingestion of Ganoderma lucidum. So we report this case with brief review of literature.
Keywords: Aplastic anemia, Ganoderma lucidum
Jae Gun Jung, Dae Gyu Seo, Wang Sik Shin, Gil Sung Han, Kee Suk Whang
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