Case Report

Korean J Hematol 2006; 41(1):

Published online March 30, 2006

© The Korean Society of Hematology

1번 염색체 장완의 Triplication을 가진 골수형성이상증후군

조희순, 김민경, 현명수

영남대학 의과대학 내과학

Triplication of 1q in a Patient with Myelodysplastic Syndrome

Hee Soon Cho, Min, Kyoung Kim, Myung Soo Hyun

Departments of, Laboratory Medicine and, Internal Medicine, Yeungnam University College of Medicine, Daegu, Korea


Triplication of 1q is a very rare chromosomal abnormality in hematologic malignancies, and it has been related to Fanconi anemia. The clinical significance of this abnormality is unknown. We report here on a 55-year-old female patient who had myelodysplastic syndrome (refractory anemia with excess blasts) with triplication of 1q and trisomy 8 as the clonal cytogenetic abnormalities, as determined by bone marrow cytogenetic analysis. However, there were no clinical manifestations of Fanconi anemia or any chromosomal instability according to the peripheral blood chromosomal breakage testing. The patient developed early gastric carcinoma (poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma with a signet ring cell component) eight months later. She continuously had pancytopenia with dysplastic features, but this showed no evidence of evolving to leukemia or any relapse of the gastric carcinoma over a 2 year follow up.

Keywords Triplication of 1q, Myelodysplastic syndrome, Fanconi anemia


Case Report

Korean J Hematol 2006; 41(1): 56-60

Published online March 30, 2006

Copyright © The Korean Society of Hematology.

1번 염색체 장완의 Triplication을 가진 골수형성이상증후군

조희순, 김민경, 현명수

영남대학 의과대학 내과학

Triplication of 1q in a Patient with Myelodysplastic Syndrome

Hee Soon Cho, Min, Kyoung Kim, Myung Soo Hyun

Departments of, Laboratory Medicine and, Internal Medicine, Yeungnam University College of Medicine, Daegu, Korea


Triplication of 1q is a very rare chromosomal abnormality in hematologic malignancies, and it has been related to Fanconi anemia. The clinical significance of this abnormality is unknown. We report here on a 55-year-old female patient who had myelodysplastic syndrome (refractory anemia with excess blasts) with triplication of 1q and trisomy 8 as the clonal cytogenetic abnormalities, as determined by bone marrow cytogenetic analysis. However, there were no clinical manifestations of Fanconi anemia or any chromosomal instability according to the peripheral blood chromosomal breakage testing. The patient developed early gastric carcinoma (poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma with a signet ring cell component) eight months later. She continuously had pancytopenia with dysplastic features, but this showed no evidence of evolving to leukemia or any relapse of the gastric carcinoma over a 2 year follow up.

Keywords: Triplication of 1q, Myelodysplastic syndrome, Fanconi anemia

Blood Res
Volume 60 2025

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