Korean J Hematol 2004; 39(1):
Published online March 31, 2004
© The Korean Society of Hematology
김희제, 민우성, 박윤희, 김유진, 이석, 김동욱, 이종욱, 김춘추
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 성모병원 혈액내과, 가톨릭조혈모세포이식센터
To evaluate the effects and toxicity of combination chemotherapy using idarubicin (IDA) plus BH-AC as an induction regimen, we studied two groups of patients with adult acute myeloid leukemia (AML) who received IDA plus either Sunrabin(r) or Enoron(r).
METHODS : Twenty-four and twenty-five patients in each group eligible for the induction study were enrolled. The remission induction therapy consisted of IDA 12mg/m2 intravenously for three consecutive days in combination with two kinds of BH-AC, that is Sunrabin(r) or Enoron(r), 300mg/m2 intravenously for seven days. Additional augmentation treatment with BH- AC was given for 3 days based on the results of bone marrow examination performed on the seventh day following initial treatment, i.e. depending on the ratio of the remaining leukemic cells.
Complete remission was achieved in 75% vs 74% of each group of patients. The treatment-related mortality during induction chemotherapy was 1 patient in each group. There was no statistical difference in the level of toxicities between two groups. The most frequent side effect after these combination chemotherapy was manageable mucositis. Enoron(r) group showed rather rapid recovery of peripheral blood counts than those of Sunrabin(r) group.
This study indicate Enoron(r) is comparable to Sunrabin(r) which can be used as an effective induction chemotherapeutic agent in adult patient with AML.
Keywords Idarubicin, Acute myelogenous leukemia, Sunrabin(r), Enoron(r)
Korean J Hematol 2004; 39(1): 10-15
Published online March 31, 2004
Copyright © The Korean Society of Hematology.
김희제, 민우성, 박윤희, 김유진, 이석, 김동욱, 이종욱, 김춘추
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 성모병원 혈액내과, 가톨릭조혈모세포이식센터
Hee Je Kim, Woo Sung Min, Yoon Hee Park, Yoo Jin Kim, Seok Lee, Dong Wook Kim, Jong Wook Lee, Chun Choo Kim
Division of Hematology, Department of Internal Medicine, Catholic Hemopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Center, The Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
To evaluate the effects and toxicity of combination chemotherapy using idarubicin (IDA) plus BH-AC as an induction regimen, we studied two groups of patients with adult acute myeloid leukemia (AML) who received IDA plus either Sunrabin(r) or Enoron(r).
METHODS : Twenty-four and twenty-five patients in each group eligible for the induction study were enrolled. The remission induction therapy consisted of IDA 12mg/m2 intravenously for three consecutive days in combination with two kinds of BH-AC, that is Sunrabin(r) or Enoron(r), 300mg/m2 intravenously for seven days. Additional augmentation treatment with BH- AC was given for 3 days based on the results of bone marrow examination performed on the seventh day following initial treatment, i.e. depending on the ratio of the remaining leukemic cells.
Complete remission was achieved in 75% vs 74% of each group of patients. The treatment-related mortality during induction chemotherapy was 1 patient in each group. There was no statistical difference in the level of toxicities between two groups. The most frequent side effect after these combination chemotherapy was manageable mucositis. Enoron(r) group showed rather rapid recovery of peripheral blood counts than those of Sunrabin(r) group.
This study indicate Enoron(r) is comparable to Sunrabin(r) which can be used as an effective induction chemotherapeutic agent in adult patient with AML.
Keywords: Idarubicin, Acute myelogenous leukemia, Sunrabin(r), Enoron(r)
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