Original Article

Korean J Hematol 2005; 40(2):

Published online June 30, 2005


© The Korean Society of Hematology

골수성 백혈병 세포주에서의 Curcumin의 세포 사멸 효과

조요한, 김영주, 박주원, 안광성, 김인호, 배은경, 박선양, 김병국, 윤성수

건국대학교 의과대학 내과학교실, 서울대학교병원 암연구소, 임상의학연구소, 서울대학교 의과대학 내과학교실, 삼성생명과학연구소 암연구센터

Apoptosis Induction by Curcumin in Human Myelogenous Leukemia Cell Lines

Yo Han Cho, Young Ju Kim, Ju Won Park, Kwang Sung Ahn, In ho Kim, Eun Kyung Bae, Seon yang Park, Byoung Kook Kim, Sung Soo Yoon

Department of Internal Medicine, Konkuk University
College of Medicine, Cancer Research Institute, Clinical Research Institute, Seoul National University
Hospital, College of Medicine, Seoul National University
Cancer Research Center, Samsung Biomedical Research Institute, Seoul, Korea


Background: Curcumin, a naturally occurring biologically active compound extracted from rhizomes of Curcuma species, has been shown to possess potent anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and anti-oxidative properties. The effects and possible mechanism of this agent were investigated on 2 human myelogenous leukemic cell lines.
Methods: K562 and KG-1 cells were the two cell lines selected. The MTT assay and flow cytometry were used to assess the cytotoxicity and for cell cycle analysis, respectively. The protein expressions were analyzed by Western blotting; the caspase activity was also checked.
Results: Both cell lines showed dose-dependent susceptibility to curcumin, and the cell cycle analysis showed an increased sub-G1 phase in the KG-1 cells. In the K562 cell, curcumin down regulated the expressions of PCNA (proliferating cell nuclear antigen) and cyclins D1 and B1. The expression of Akt was also down-regulated, but caspase-3 was activated to induce cleaved PARP (polyadenosine ribose polymerase) and apoptosis. However, the expression of phospho-Erk was unaffected. Co-treatment of cyclosporin A (CsA) with curcumin resulted in an attenuation of apoptosis in the K562 cells, implying curcumin-induced apoptosis is dependent on the release of cytochrome c from the mitochondria.
Conclusion:Curcumin induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in both human myelogenous leukemic cell lines, with the apoptosis appearing to be dependent on the release of cytochrome c from the mitochondria.

Keywords Curcumin, Myelogenous leukemia, Apoptosis


Original Article

Korean J Hematol 2005; 40(2): 75-81

Published online June 30, 2005 https://doi.org/10.5045/kjh.2005.40.2.75

Copyright © The Korean Society of Hematology.

골수성 백혈병 세포주에서의 Curcumin의 세포 사멸 효과

조요한, 김영주, 박주원, 안광성, 김인호, 배은경, 박선양, 김병국, 윤성수

건국대학교 의과대학 내과학교실, 서울대학교병원 암연구소, 임상의학연구소, 서울대학교 의과대학 내과학교실, 삼성생명과학연구소 암연구센터

Apoptosis Induction by Curcumin in Human Myelogenous Leukemia Cell Lines

Yo Han Cho, Young Ju Kim, Ju Won Park, Kwang Sung Ahn, In ho Kim, Eun Kyung Bae, Seon yang Park, Byoung Kook Kim, Sung Soo Yoon

Department of Internal Medicine, Konkuk University
College of Medicine, Cancer Research Institute, Clinical Research Institute, Seoul National University
Hospital, College of Medicine, Seoul National University
Cancer Research Center, Samsung Biomedical Research Institute, Seoul, Korea


Background: Curcumin, a naturally occurring biologically active compound extracted from rhizomes of Curcuma species, has been shown to possess potent anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and anti-oxidative properties. The effects and possible mechanism of this agent were investigated on 2 human myelogenous leukemic cell lines.
Methods: K562 and KG-1 cells were the two cell lines selected. The MTT assay and flow cytometry were used to assess the cytotoxicity and for cell cycle analysis, respectively. The protein expressions were analyzed by Western blotting; the caspase activity was also checked.
Results: Both cell lines showed dose-dependent susceptibility to curcumin, and the cell cycle analysis showed an increased sub-G1 phase in the KG-1 cells. In the K562 cell, curcumin down regulated the expressions of PCNA (proliferating cell nuclear antigen) and cyclins D1 and B1. The expression of Akt was also down-regulated, but caspase-3 was activated to induce cleaved PARP (polyadenosine ribose polymerase) and apoptosis. However, the expression of phospho-Erk was unaffected. Co-treatment of cyclosporin A (CsA) with curcumin resulted in an attenuation of apoptosis in the K562 cells, implying curcumin-induced apoptosis is dependent on the release of cytochrome c from the mitochondria.
Conclusion:Curcumin induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in both human myelogenous leukemic cell lines, with the apoptosis appearing to be dependent on the release of cytochrome c from the mitochondria.

Keywords: Curcumin, Myelogenous leukemia, Apoptosis

Blood Res
Volume 60 2025

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