Korean J Hematol 1998; 33(3):

Published online September 30, 1998

© The Korean Society of Hematology

고용량 Melphalan 요법 및 CD34+조혈모세포 추출이식 후 완전관해를 얻은 다발성골수종 1례

이화은, 김영준, 김성권, 강문보, 김성태, 김철, 이명희, 주정인, 조은경, 신동복, 이재훈

가천의과대학 부속 길병원 내과

Complete Remission in a Patient with Multiple Myeloma after High Dose Melphalan and CD34+ Selected Autologous Transplantation

Hwa Eun Lee, Yeong Jun Kim, Sung Gwon Kim, Moon Bo Kang, Seong Tae Kim, Chul Kim, Myung Hee Lee, Jung In Jue, Eun Kyung Cho, Dong Bok Shin, Jae Hoon Lee

Division of Hemato, Oncology, Gachon Medical College, Choongang Ghil Hospital, Inchon, Korea


Multiple myeloma is characterized by long clinical course and drug resistance. Conventional chemotherapy results in modest survival benefit. High dose therapy with
autologous stem cell transplantation results in markedly increased response rate and survival, confimed by a randomized study. But there are any evidences yet this approach confers cure. To decrease relapse rate, several approaches are ongoing. Among them, purified CD34+ selected transplantation is an attractive approach because of reduced contamination of myeloma cells. Recently we have experienced CD34+selected autologous transplantation in a multiple myeloma patient.
After VAD induction chemotherapy, high dose melphalan(200mg/m2) with CD34+ selected autotransplantation was followed. Immunoadsorption using
CeprateSC resulted in 81% purity and 42% yield. Idusod CD34+ cell number was 3.1X 106/kg. Absolute granulocytopenic and thrombocytopenic period was less than a week Grade Ⅲ or more extramedullary toxicities were not observed. After high dose therapy, complete remission by immunofixation was achieved. We have experienced a case of CD34+ selected transplantation in multiple myeloma and found that it was safe in terms of short term engraftment.

Keywords Multiple myeloma; CD34+; Autotransplantation; Complete Remission;


Korean J Hematol 1998; 33(3): 466-474

Published online September 30, 1998

Copyright © The Korean Society of Hematology.

고용량 Melphalan 요법 및 CD34+조혈모세포 추출이식 후 완전관해를 얻은 다발성골수종 1례

이화은, 김영준, 김성권, 강문보, 김성태, 김철, 이명희, 주정인, 조은경, 신동복, 이재훈

가천의과대학 부속 길병원 내과

Complete Remission in a Patient with Multiple Myeloma after High Dose Melphalan and CD34+ Selected Autologous Transplantation

Hwa Eun Lee, Yeong Jun Kim, Sung Gwon Kim, Moon Bo Kang, Seong Tae Kim, Chul Kim, Myung Hee Lee, Jung In Jue, Eun Kyung Cho, Dong Bok Shin, Jae Hoon Lee

Division of Hemato, Oncology, Gachon Medical College, Choongang Ghil Hospital, Inchon, Korea


Multiple myeloma is characterized by long clinical course and drug resistance. Conventional chemotherapy results in modest survival benefit. High dose therapy with
autologous stem cell transplantation results in markedly increased response rate and survival, confimed by a randomized study. But there are any evidences yet this approach confers cure. To decrease relapse rate, several approaches are ongoing. Among them, purified CD34+ selected transplantation is an attractive approach because of reduced contamination of myeloma cells. Recently we have experienced CD34+selected autologous transplantation in a multiple myeloma patient.
After VAD induction chemotherapy, high dose melphalan(200mg/m2) with CD34+ selected autotransplantation was followed. Immunoadsorption using
CeprateSC resulted in 81% purity and 42% yield. Idusod CD34+ cell number was 3.1X 106/kg. Absolute granulocytopenic and thrombocytopenic period was less than a week Grade Ⅲ or more extramedullary toxicities were not observed. After high dose therapy, complete remission by immunofixation was achieved. We have experienced a case of CD34+ selected transplantation in multiple myeloma and found that it was safe in terms of short term engraftment.

Keywords: Multiple myeloma, CD34+, Autotransplantation, Complete Remission,

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