Korean J Hematol 1994; 29(3):

Published online September 30, 1994

© The Korean Society of Hematology

Rifampin에 의한 용혈성 빈혈, 혈소판 감소성 자반증 및 급성 신부전 1례

심지향, 양주동, 김태균, 양윤식, 이성주, 박기형

부산의료원 내과,
부산의료원 임상병리과

A Case of Hemolytic Anemia, Thrombocytopenic Purpura and Acute Renal Failure Caused by Rifampin

Ji Hyang Shim, Joo Dong Yang, Tae Keun Kim, Yoon Sik Yang, Sung Joo Lee, Ki Hyung Park

Department of Internal Medicine, Clinical Pathology, Pusan Medical Center, Pusan, Korea


A 31 year old female patient who had a history of pulmonary tuberculosis for 5 years developed acute renal failure, immune hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia after
administration of rifampin for a week. Rifampin induced immune hemolytic anemia, acute renal failure & thrombocytopenia which were characterized by positive direct Coombs test, positive anti-rifampin antibody, acute azotemia & thrombocytopenia.
These abnormalities were reversed 10 days after withdrawal of rifampin.

Keywords Rifampin; Hemolytic anemia; Thrombocytopenia; Acute renal failure;


Korean J Hematol 1994; 29(3): 333-338

Published online September 30, 1994

Copyright © The Korean Society of Hematology.

Rifampin에 의한 용혈성 빈혈, 혈소판 감소성 자반증 및 급성 신부전 1례

심지향, 양주동, 김태균, 양윤식, 이성주, 박기형

부산의료원 내과,
부산의료원 임상병리과

A Case of Hemolytic Anemia, Thrombocytopenic Purpura and Acute Renal Failure Caused by Rifampin

Ji Hyang Shim, Joo Dong Yang, Tae Keun Kim, Yoon Sik Yang, Sung Joo Lee, Ki Hyung Park

Department of Internal Medicine, Clinical Pathology, Pusan Medical Center, Pusan, Korea


A 31 year old female patient who had a history of pulmonary tuberculosis for 5 years developed acute renal failure, immune hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia after
administration of rifampin for a week. Rifampin induced immune hemolytic anemia, acute renal failure & thrombocytopenia which were characterized by positive direct Coombs test, positive anti-rifampin antibody, acute azotemia & thrombocytopenia.
These abnormalities were reversed 10 days after withdrawal of rifampin.

Keywords: Rifampin, Hemolytic anemia, Thrombocytopenia, Acute renal failure,

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