Korean J Hematol 1992; 27(1):

Published online March 31, 1992

© The Korean Society of Hematology

갑상선기능저하증에 동반된 빈혈의 병태생리에 관한 연구

한지숙, 이선주, 이현철, 민유홍, 허갑범, 고윤웅

연세대학교 의과대학 내과학교실

Pathophysiological Study on the Anemia in Hypothyroidism

Jee Sook Hahn, Sun Ju Lee, Hyun Chul Lee, Yoo Hong Min, Kap Bum Hur, Yoon Woong Ko

Department of Internal Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea


In order to search for the pathophysiology of anemia, authors investigated 43 cases of
1. Anemia was observed in 60% (26/43), In which the thyroid hypofunction was more
severe than that in the non-anemia group.
2. In anemia group the normocytic anemia was the most frequent(50% ), followed by
microcytic(27% ) and macrocytic(23% ) anemia in frequency. In majority of cases(85%),
the anemia was mild, and the degree of anemia was most pronounced in microcytic
type, while the tendency of thyroid hypofunction was more marked in macrocytic group.
3. The serum Iron and iron saturation were reduced in 53% (9/17) of anemic cases.
There noted 1 case of folate deficiency(1/15) and no cases with vitamin Bl2
4. The bone marrow cellularity was decreased in 44% of 16 examined and in 87%, the
stainable iron was decreased with no cases of megaloblastic maturation.
5. Of the 16 anemia cases, the uncomplicated anemia and iron deficiency anemia were
8(50%), respectively, and the bone marrow hypocellularity was more frequently
encountered in uncomplicated anemia(63% ) than in iron deficiency anemia(25%). The
stainable iron of bone marrow was decreased In 71% of uncomplicated anemia without
cases of microcytosis.
6. The erythropoietin(EPO) level tends to Increase In microcytic/iron deficiency anemia,
and normal in macrocytic/uncomplicated anemia group. The hemoglobin correlated with
serum iron & iron saturation, and inversely correlated with EPO. And the EPO inversely
correlated with serum iron and iron saturation.
7. The CFU-E colony formation was increased in anemia compared to that in control,
while there was no difference in BFU-E growth.
With the above results, the uncomplicated anemia of hypothyroidism might be caused
by decreased hematopoiesis depending on EPO activity with which the hormonal status
met the body's requirements, while more compensatory hemopoiesis might be elicited in
iron deficiency anemia.

Keywords Anemia in Hypothyroidism, Pathophysiology, Bone marrow, Erythropoietin, Erythroid clonogenic assaay


Korean J Hematol 1992; 27(1): 1-14

Published online March 31, 1992

Copyright © The Korean Society of Hematology.

갑상선기능저하증에 동반된 빈혈의 병태생리에 관한 연구

한지숙, 이선주, 이현철, 민유홍, 허갑범, 고윤웅

연세대학교 의과대학 내과학교실

Pathophysiological Study on the Anemia in Hypothyroidism

Jee Sook Hahn, Sun Ju Lee, Hyun Chul Lee, Yoo Hong Min, Kap Bum Hur, Yoon Woong Ko

Department of Internal Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea


In order to search for the pathophysiology of anemia, authors investigated 43 cases of
1. Anemia was observed in 60% (26/43), In which the thyroid hypofunction was more
severe than that in the non-anemia group.
2. In anemia group the normocytic anemia was the most frequent(50% ), followed by
microcytic(27% ) and macrocytic(23% ) anemia in frequency. In majority of cases(85%),
the anemia was mild, and the degree of anemia was most pronounced in microcytic
type, while the tendency of thyroid hypofunction was more marked in macrocytic group.
3. The serum Iron and iron saturation were reduced in 53% (9/17) of anemic cases.
There noted 1 case of folate deficiency(1/15) and no cases with vitamin Bl2
4. The bone marrow cellularity was decreased in 44% of 16 examined and in 87%, the
stainable iron was decreased with no cases of megaloblastic maturation.
5. Of the 16 anemia cases, the uncomplicated anemia and iron deficiency anemia were
8(50%), respectively, and the bone marrow hypocellularity was more frequently
encountered in uncomplicated anemia(63% ) than in iron deficiency anemia(25%). The
stainable iron of bone marrow was decreased In 71% of uncomplicated anemia without
cases of microcytosis.
6. The erythropoietin(EPO) level tends to Increase In microcytic/iron deficiency anemia,
and normal in macrocytic/uncomplicated anemia group. The hemoglobin correlated with
serum iron & iron saturation, and inversely correlated with EPO. And the EPO inversely
correlated with serum iron and iron saturation.
7. The CFU-E colony formation was increased in anemia compared to that in control,
while there was no difference in BFU-E growth.
With the above results, the uncomplicated anemia of hypothyroidism might be caused
by decreased hematopoiesis depending on EPO activity with which the hormonal status
met the body's requirements, while more compensatory hemopoiesis might be elicited in
iron deficiency anemia.

Keywords: Anemia in Hypothyroidism, Pathophysiology, Bone marrow, Erythropoietin, Erythroid clonogenic assaay

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