Korean J Hematol 1990; 25(2):

Published online June 30, 1990

© The Korean Society of Hematology

형질 세포 백혈병의 임상적 고찰

김시찬, 이선주, 민유홍, 한지숙, 고윤웅

연세대학교 의과대학 내과학교실

Clinical Study of Plasma Cell Leukemia

Sichan Kim, Sun Ju Lee, Yoo Hong Min, Jee Sook Hahn, Yun Woong Ko

Department of Internal Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine Seoul, Korea


The plasma cell leukemia is a very rare form of plasma cell dyscrasia. We had experienced 4 cases (2.9%) of PCL among the 136 cases of plasma cell dyscrasia during
the last 16 years from 1974 to 1989 in Yonsei University Severance Hospital.
In our cases, 3 cases were primary PCL and the other 1 case was secondary PCL. In two cases, IgG kappa type of paraprotein was documented. The chemotherapy with
cytoxan, vincristine, prednisolone was effective in 2(67%) cases out of 3 cases treated. The longest duration of survival was noted in primary PCL, and the duration of
survival were 4, 5, 14 months respectively.
The recognition of possibility of PCL and appropriate therapeutic strategies might improve the survival and quality of life. The prospective multicenter study is required for the better understanding of the biology of PCL and the more rational therapeutic approaches.

Keywords Plasma cell leukemia; Multiple myeloma;


Korean J Hematol 1990; 25(2): 471-482

Published online June 30, 1990

Copyright © The Korean Society of Hematology.

형질 세포 백혈병의 임상적 고찰

김시찬, 이선주, 민유홍, 한지숙, 고윤웅

연세대학교 의과대학 내과학교실

Clinical Study of Plasma Cell Leukemia

Sichan Kim, Sun Ju Lee, Yoo Hong Min, Jee Sook Hahn, Yun Woong Ko

Department of Internal Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine Seoul, Korea


The plasma cell leukemia is a very rare form of plasma cell dyscrasia. We had experienced 4 cases (2.9%) of PCL among the 136 cases of plasma cell dyscrasia during
the last 16 years from 1974 to 1989 in Yonsei University Severance Hospital.
In our cases, 3 cases were primary PCL and the other 1 case was secondary PCL. In two cases, IgG kappa type of paraprotein was documented. The chemotherapy with
cytoxan, vincristine, prednisolone was effective in 2(67%) cases out of 3 cases treated. The longest duration of survival was noted in primary PCL, and the duration of
survival were 4, 5, 14 months respectively.
The recognition of possibility of PCL and appropriate therapeutic strategies might improve the survival and quality of life. The prospective multicenter study is required for the better understanding of the biology of PCL and the more rational therapeutic approaches.

Keywords: Plasma cell leukemia, Multiple myeloma,

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