Case Report

Korean J Hematol 2007; 42(3):

Published online September 30, 2007

© The Korean Society of Hematology

악성림프종 환자에서 고용량 Cytosine Arabinoside 사용 후 발생한 스티븐스존슨증후군 1예

안지원, 이명아, 고윤호, 남성민, 정문경, 문수진, 강진형, 홍영선, 이경식

가톨릭대학교 의과대학 내과학교실, 종양내과

A Case of High Dose Cytosine Arabinoside Induced Stevens-Johnson Syndrome in a Patient with Malignant Lymphoma

Ji Won An, Myung Ah Lee, Yoon Ho Ko, Sung Min Nam, Mun Kyung Chung, Su Jin Moon, Jin Hyoung Kang, Young Seon Hong, Kyung Shik Lee

Division of Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine, Catholic University Medical College, Seoul, Korea


Many chemotherapeutic agents induce variable cutaneous adverse reactions. Among the side effects, Stevens-Johnson syndrome is rare, but a fatal complication. There are two prior reports of cytosine arabinoside (ARA-C) induced toxic epidermal necrolysis, which is considered in the continuum of Stevens- Johnson syndrome. The prior cases were female patients under 16 years old with acute lymphocytic leukemia. We treated a 77-year-old man with recurrent mantle cell lymphoma who developed Stevens- Johnson syndrome after high dose ARA-C therapy. This is the first case of ARA-C induced Stevens- Johnson syndrome in Korea.

Keywords Stevens-Johnson syndrome, Cytosine arabinoside, Lymphoma


Case Report

Korean J Hematol 2007; 42(3): 292-295

Published online September 30, 2007

Copyright © The Korean Society of Hematology.

악성림프종 환자에서 고용량 Cytosine Arabinoside 사용 후 발생한 스티븐스존슨증후군 1예

안지원, 이명아, 고윤호, 남성민, 정문경, 문수진, 강진형, 홍영선, 이경식

가톨릭대학교 의과대학 내과학교실, 종양내과

A Case of High Dose Cytosine Arabinoside Induced Stevens-Johnson Syndrome in a Patient with Malignant Lymphoma

Ji Won An, Myung Ah Lee, Yoon Ho Ko, Sung Min Nam, Mun Kyung Chung, Su Jin Moon, Jin Hyoung Kang, Young Seon Hong, Kyung Shik Lee

Division of Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine, Catholic University Medical College, Seoul, Korea


Many chemotherapeutic agents induce variable cutaneous adverse reactions. Among the side effects, Stevens-Johnson syndrome is rare, but a fatal complication. There are two prior reports of cytosine arabinoside (ARA-C) induced toxic epidermal necrolysis, which is considered in the continuum of Stevens- Johnson syndrome. The prior cases were female patients under 16 years old with acute lymphocytic leukemia. We treated a 77-year-old man with recurrent mantle cell lymphoma who developed Stevens- Johnson syndrome after high dose ARA-C therapy. This is the first case of ARA-C induced Stevens- Johnson syndrome in Korea.

Keywords: Stevens-Johnson syndrome, Cytosine arabinoside, Lymphoma

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