Korean J Hematol 2001; 36(3):

Published online September 30, 2001

© The Korean Society of Hematology

급성백혈병 및 만성골수성백혈병에서의 Telomerase 활성도 변화 양상

김명유, 이정녀

인제대학교 의과대학 임상병리학교실

Pattern of Telomerase Activities in Acute Leukemias and Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

Myeong You Kim, Jeong Nyeo Lee

Department of Clinical Pathology, Pusan Hospital, Inje University, Pusan, Korea


Background :
Telomerase has a leading role as a potential enzyme responsible for tumorigenesis and longevity. Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein that synthesizes a specific repeating nucleotide sequence onto the ends of telomeres. This enzyme
is normally present in immortalized cell lines, germ-line tissues, and tumor tissues. We intended to compare the telomerase activity among various types of leukemia to determine the association of telomerase activity and patients status and responsiveness of chemotherapy.
Methods :
Specimens were collected from Jan. 1999 to Oct. 1999 and included the leukemic bone marrow (ALL, AML and CML) and the peripheral blood or bone marrow of normal persons or patients with iron deficiency anemia and immune thrombocytopenic purpura. Telomerase activity was measured by TRAP assay using Telomerase PCR ELISA kit.
Results : Telomerase activities were increased in acute leukemias and relapsed acute leukemia cases, whereas in the cases of complete remission state of acute leukemia, the activity was decreased. Telomerase activity was increased in
leukemias which had high percentage of immature cells, especially more than 70% of blast. Also the activity was decreased in post-chemotherapeutic group, whereas increased in untreated group. There was no significant difference between prognosis of chromosomal abnormalities and telomerase activity.
Conclusion :
These results showed that telomerase activity was increased in acute phase of leukemia, high percentage of immature cells, and chemoresistant group of leukemia.

Keywords Acute leukemia, Chronic myeloid leukemia, Telomerase activity, TRAP assay


Korean J Hematol 2001; 36(3): 189-196

Published online September 30, 2001

Copyright © The Korean Society of Hematology.

급성백혈병 및 만성골수성백혈병에서의 Telomerase 활성도 변화 양상

김명유, 이정녀

인제대학교 의과대학 임상병리학교실

Pattern of Telomerase Activities in Acute Leukemias and Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

Myeong You Kim, Jeong Nyeo Lee

Department of Clinical Pathology, Pusan Hospital, Inje University, Pusan, Korea


Background :
Telomerase has a leading role as a potential enzyme responsible for tumorigenesis and longevity. Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein that synthesizes a specific repeating nucleotide sequence onto the ends of telomeres. This enzyme
is normally present in immortalized cell lines, germ-line tissues, and tumor tissues. We intended to compare the telomerase activity among various types of leukemia to determine the association of telomerase activity and patients status and responsiveness of chemotherapy.
Methods :
Specimens were collected from Jan. 1999 to Oct. 1999 and included the leukemic bone marrow (ALL, AML and CML) and the peripheral blood or bone marrow of normal persons or patients with iron deficiency anemia and immune thrombocytopenic purpura. Telomerase activity was measured by TRAP assay using Telomerase PCR ELISA kit.
Results : Telomerase activities were increased in acute leukemias and relapsed acute leukemia cases, whereas in the cases of complete remission state of acute leukemia, the activity was decreased. Telomerase activity was increased in
leukemias which had high percentage of immature cells, especially more than 70% of blast. Also the activity was decreased in post-chemotherapeutic group, whereas increased in untreated group. There was no significant difference between prognosis of chromosomal abnormalities and telomerase activity.
Conclusion :
These results showed that telomerase activity was increased in acute phase of leukemia, high percentage of immature cells, and chemoresistant group of leukemia.

Keywords: Acute leukemia, Chronic myeloid leukemia, Telomerase activity, TRAP assay

Blood Research

pISSN 2287-979X
eISSN 2288-0011
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