Blood Research

Summary of the characteristics of thesubjects with reactive anti-HCV.

Subject information Subject A Subject B Subject C
Blood examination
a. Anti HCV Reactive Reactive Reactive
b. HCV RNA Virus not found Virus not found Virus not found
a. Gender Male Male Male
b. Age 16 y.o. 11 y.o. 10 y.o.
c. Diagnosis Hemophilia A Hemophilia A Hemophilia B
d. Severity Severe Moderate Moderate
e. Inhibitor Negative Negative Negative
f. History of major surgery None None None
g. First transfusion (yr/age) 2009/6 y.o. 2010/2 y.o. 2012/3 y.o.
h. Number of bags per transfusion (volume each bag ±50–180 mL) 5–10 bags 1–3 bags 1–4 bags
i. Blood screening method ChLIA ChLIA ChLIA

Abbreviations: ChLIA, chemoluminescence immunoassay; y.o., years old.

Blood Res 2022;57:129~134
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