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Fig. 2. TP53 rrDLBCL enriches towards GCB-like subclassification alterations and cases in multiple rrDLBCL cohorts and is associated with inferior RCHOP response within de-novo EZB and BCL2 Subset patients. (A) A dot plot summarizes the Z-score normalized TP53 alteration Pearson Distance values of EZB classifier genes in the rrDLBCL population vs. combined de-novo DLBCL cohort values. A Welch’s t-test was used to measure significance. Mean±SD is designated by error bars. (B) TP53 alterations are significantly associated with EZB alterations in rrDLBCL. TP53 Pearson distance values are displayed for 90 rrDLBCL cohort genes (Z-score normalized). One-way ANOVA analysis was used to measure significance and was corrected by a Holm-Šídák's multiple comparisons test. Gene color is matched to LymphGen subclassification. Mean±SD is designated by error bars. (C) Gene Pearson Distance from TP53 Alterations within the Greenawalt rrDLBCL cohort (N=44). A dot plot summarizes the Z-score normalized TP53 alteration Pearson Distance values of LymphGen classifier genes of each subset. One-way ANOVA analysis was used to measure significance and was corrected by a Holm-Šídák's multiple comparisons test. Gene color is matched to LymphGen subclassification. Mean±SD is designated by error bars. Alterations present in the cohort but not included in LymphGen classification are displayed in white. (D) Percentage of EZB (or corresponding) cases with non-altered (WT) vs. altered TP53 in DLBCL vs. rrDLBCL populations. A gradient denotes percent composition of each population. Significance was determined through a Fisher’s Exact test between TP53 alteration enrichment within EZB or GCB cases vs. Non-GCB cases. The number of GCB/corresponding cases examined is listed on the right. (E) The presence of TP53 alterations at diagnosis in the GCB-like subset EZB (Wright et al. [5]) and BCL2 (Lacy et al. [7]) patients is associated with inferior overall survival. Kaplan-Meier survival curves assess the overall survival impact of TP53 alteration within EZB or BCL2 populations when treated with RCHOP. Significance was measured with Logrank analysis. The 95% confidence interval for each alteration is designated by dotted lines.
Blood Res 2022;57:164~169
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