Blood Research

Response to blinatumomab.

All (N=23) Control (N=6) IVIG (N=17) P
Achieved disease response to blinatumomaba),b) 16 (80) 5 (83.3) 12 (85.7) 1
Proceeded to HSCT 14 (60.9) 5 (83.3) 9 (52.9) 0.34
Time to HSCT, days, median (range) 105 (58–289) 1 04 (64–129) 106 (58–289) 0.61
Proceeded to other line of therapy 4 (17.1) 1 (16.7) 3 (17.6) -
Time to next therapy, days, median (range) 123 (108–608) 123 (123–123) 123 (108–608) 1
If MRD (+) disease, achieved MRD (-)a),b) N=15 N=5 N=10
12 (80) 4 (80) 8 (80) 1
Time to response, days, median (range) 39.5 (29–83) 46.5 (32–83) 37 (29–85) 0.65
If relapsed/refractory disease, achieved CRa) N=5 N=1 N=4
5 (100) 1 (100) 4 (100) -
CR with MRD (+) 2 (40) 1 (100) 1 (25) 0.4
Time to result, days, median (range) 34 (30-89) 89 33 (30-35) 0.5

All values listed as N (%) unless otherwise noted.

a)Excluding 3 patients who received blinatumomab for consolidation/maintenance therapy. b)One patient in the IVIG cohort achieved partial response, defined as 1–2 log reduction in BCR-ABL PCR.

Abbreviations: CR, complete response; HSCT, hematopoietic stem cell transplant; MRD, minimal residual disease.

Blood Res 2022;57:135~143
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