Blood Research

Response criteria.

Hematologic response CR:negative bone marrow and negative immunofixation of serum and urine
VGPR:over 90% reduction in M-protein, plus urine M-protein level of <100 mg per 24-h
PR:50% reduction in M-protein or positive immunofixation as long as the baseline M protein is at least 1.0 g/dL
PET responses CR:the disappearance of all FDG uptake lesions
PR:≥50% improvement in the sum of the maximum standardized uptake value of FDG-avid lesions
No response:the failure to meet CR or PR criteria
VEGF response (evaluable: ×2 UNL) CR:normalization of VEGF
PR:a decrease of over 50% VEGF
No response:the failure to meet CR or PR criteria
Progression:50% increase from the lowest level
Clinical response (clinical improvement, clinical progression, mixed clinical response, and clinical stability) Peripheral neuropathy, organomegaly, papilledema, erythrocytosis/thrombocytosis, endocrinopathy, extravascular fluid overload (ascites, effusions, edema)
Pulmonary function tests

Abbreviations: CR, complete response; PR, partial response; UNL, upper normal limit; VGPR,very good partial response.

Blood Res 2022;57:S27~S31
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