Blood Research

FDA approved pharmacological classes for treatment of PAH.

Class Drug Rout of administration Dose
Prostacyclin derivatives Epoprostenol IV Initial dose of 2 ng kg-1min-1 Iv infusion, titrated by 1–2 ng kg-1min-1q 15 min if tolerated
Iloprost Inhaled 2.5 μg inhaled, if tolerated then 5 μg, 6–9 times a day PRN; Maintenance: 2.5–5 μg dose-1 (max: 45 μg daily)
Treprostinil PO PO: 0.125 mg TID or 0.25 mg BID, titrated by 0.125 mg TID every 3–4 days
Continuous IV or SC infusion IV or SC infusion: 1.25 ng kg-1min-1 titrated by no more than 1.25 ng kg-1min-1per wk based on clinical response; after 4 wk, titrated by no more than 2.5 ng kg-1min-1 per wk based on clinical response
Endothelin receptor antagonists Bosentan Oral 125 mg twice daily
Ambrisentan Oral 5 or 10 mg once daily
Macitentan Oral 10 mg once daily
Phosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitors Sildenafil Oral 20 mg TID
IV Injection
Tadalafil Oral 40 mg once daily
Soluble cGMP stimulators Riociguat Oral 0.5–1.0 mg TID (titrated by 0.5 mg every 2 wk as tolerated to maximum dose 2.5 mg)
Prostacyclin receptor agonists Selexipag Oral 200 mg twice daily, titrated as tolerated to maximum dose of 16,000 mg twice daily

Abbreviations: cGMP, Cyclic guanosine monophosphate; FDA, Food and Drug Administration; h, hour; IV, Intravenous; PAH, pulmonary arterial hypertension; SC, subcutaneous.

Blood Res 2021;56:229~242
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