Blood Research

Specification of the diagnostic value of the Wells criteria and D-Dimer level for PE detection.

Variables Clinical probability of PEa) Cut-off Sen. Spec. PPV NPV AUC P
Wells score Total 3 75.00 35.87 9.2 94.3 0.557 0.497
D-dimer, mg/L Total 1,447 87.50 63.04 17.1 98.3 0.735 0.003
PE unlikely (N=67) 1,447 83.33 65.57 19.2 97.6 0.730 0.019
PE likely (N=33) 1,962 99.00 78.12 22.2 99.0 0.781 <0.001

a)Based on Wells score.

Abbreviations: AUC, area under the curve; NPV, negative predictive value; PE, pulmonary embolism; PPV, positive predictive value; Sen., sensitivity; Spec., specificity.

Blood Res 2021;56:150~155
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