Blood Research

Clinical and pathological review of seven cases of acute myelofibrosis with acute lymphoblastic leukemia reported in the literature.

S. No Author, year Age/sex HSM, LN Initial PB findings BMA findings ALL subtype BM biopsy findings Cytogenetic findings MF at repeat BM Outcome
1 Amjad et al. [2], 1979a,b) 57 yr/F Absent Anaemia Dry tap NA MF Normal NA Death
2 Chen et al. [3], 1992a) 4 yr/M NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
3 Dunphy et al. [4], 1996a) 44 yr/M Absent Pancytopenia Dry tap Pre-B MF, pleomorphic and dysplastic megs Deletion 5p Present(EOM) Alive
4 Abla et al.[5], 2006 15 yr/F Absent Bicytopenia,7% blasts Diluted 9–58% blasts Pre-B MF (reticulin and collagen), blasts Normal NA Alive
5 Avci et al. [6], 2008 4.5 yr/M Absent Bicytopenia, 3% blasts Dry tap Pre-B MF Extra signal of chr.21q22 Absent (day-70) Alive
6 Gonzalez et al. [7], 2013c) 72 yr/M NA Pancytopenia Dry tap Pre-B MF, clustering and dysplasia of megs, reduced megs NA NA Relapse, Alive
7 Friesenbichler et al. [8], 2018 13 yr/F Absent Pancytopenia Hypocellular Pre-B MF, megs hyperplasia and dysplasia, 15% blasts Normal Absent (day-33) Alive
Hyperplastic and dysplastic megs, no blasts

a)Acute myelofibrosis preceded the diagnosis of ALL. b)Patient presented with recurrent anaemia. Initial PB examination did not show blasts. Subsequently, blasts were observed in PB. c)Patient was a treated case of multiple myeloma.

Abbreviations: ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukemia; BM, bone marrow; BMA, bone marrow aspiration; EOM, end of maintenance; F, female; HSM, hepatosplenomegaly; LN, lymphadenopathy; M, male; Megs, megakaryocytes; MF, myelofibrosis; NA, not available; PB, peripheral blood.

Blood Res 2021;56:46~50
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