Blood Research

Characteristics of common anticoagulants and its approved or potential antidotes.

Anticoagulants Metabolism and excretion Plasma half-life Antidotes
UFH Rapid endothelial internalization 40–90 minutes Protamine sulfate
Slow renal clearance
LMWH Renal excretion 4 hours Protamine sulfate (ciraparantaga))
VKA Hepatic metabolism 40 hours Oral or IV Vitamin K
Fresh frozen plasma
Dabigatran 80% renal, 20% hepatic 13 hours Idarucizumab (ciraparantaga))
Apixaban 27% renal, 73% hepatic 12 hours Andexanet alfa (ciraparantaga))
Edoxaban 50% renal, 50% hepatic 10–14 hours (andexanet alfa, ciraparantaga))
Rivaroxaban 35% renal, 65% hepatic 5–9 hours Andexanet alfa (ciraparantaga))

a)Under investigation.

Abbreviations: IV, intravenous; LMWH, low-molecular-weight heparin; UFH, unfractionated heparin; VKA, vitamin K antagonist.

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