Blood Research

Baseline characteristics of the patients.

Characteristics Total (N=50)
Age years, median (range) 66 (31–82)
Gender, male, N (%) 27 (54%)
Type of myeloma, N (%)
Ig G 25 (50%)
Ig A 10 (20%)
Ig M 1 (2%)
Ig D 3 (6%)
Light chain disease 11 (22%)
Clonality of Light chain, N (%)
kappa 33 (66%)
Lambda 17 (34%)
Extramedullary disease
Yes, N (%) 8 (16%)
No, N (%) 42 (84%)
Lactate dehydrogenase
>Upper limit of normal 19 (38%)
Normal 31 (62%)
Median renal function (creatinine clearance) before transplant, mL/min, (range) 58.8 (5.73–110.8)
>60, N (%) 24 (48%)
≥30 to <60, N (%) 16 (32%)
<30, N (%) 10 (20%)
ISS stage at diagnosis
I, N (%) 6 (12%)
II, N (%) 16 (32%)
III, N (%) 26 (52%)
Unknown, N (%) 2 (4%)
Frontline treatment
Bortezomib-melphalan-prednisolone with transplant 11 (22%)
Bortezomib-melphalan-prednisolone without transplant 36 (72%)
Others with transplant 3 (6%)
Eligibility of autologous stem cell transplantation
Eligible, N (%) 14 (28%)
Not-eligible, N (%) 36 (72%)
Best response of frontline treatment
CR or better 23 (46%)
VGPR 13 (26%)
PR 13 (26%)
SD 1 (2%)
Median PFS of frontline treatment, months, median (95% CI) 23.5 (16.5–25.6)
Median OS, months, median (95% CI) 105.7 (63.7-not available)

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; CR, complete response; OS, Overall survival; PFS, progression-free survival; PR, partial response; SD, stable disease; VGPR, very good partial response.

Blood Res 2020;55:159~168
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