Blood Research

Univariable and multivariable analysis for progression-free survival.

Variables (N=50) N Univariate analysis Multivariable analysis

Median PFS, mo (95% CI) P Hazard ratio (95% CI) P
Patient age (yr) 0.837 -
<66 19 23.9 (15.4–51.3) -
≥66 31 18.9 (12.6–29) -
Sex 0.496 -
Male 27 23.9 (15.4–31.4) -
Female 23 18.9 (12.6–24.9) -
Type of myeloma 0.605 -
IgG 25 24.2 (15.4–49.3) -
Non-IgG 25 18.9 (12.6–24.9) -
Type of light chain 0.649 -
Kappa 33 18.9 (15.4–25.5) -
Lambda 17 24.6 (8.5–51.3) -
Lactate dehydrogenase 0.373 -
>Upper limit of normal 31 23.9 (16.3–31.4) -
Normal 19 22.2 (8.5–26) -
ISS stage at diagnosis 0.826 -
I or II 22 24.2 (18.2–31.4) -
III 26 16.5 (8.8–51.3) -
Unknown 2 -
Cytogenetic status 0.536 -
Standard risk 26 23.9 (16.3–31.2) -
High risk 13 23.5 (8.5–51.3) -
Unknown 11 -
Extramedullary disease 0.925 -
Present 8 25.1 (6–52.8) -
None 42 22.2 (14.8-25.6) -
Transplant eligibility 0.601 -
No 36 18.9 (12.6–24.9) -
Yes 14 26.5 (15.4–51.3) -
BRAF V600E mutation 0.04 0.623
No 43 23.9 (16.5–31.2) 1
Yes 7 18.2 (1.8–24.2) 1.32 (0.44–3.98)
RAS/RAF mutation 0.015 0.018
No 36 24.0 (16.5–49.3) 1
Yes 14 18.2 (3.6–24.2) 2.28 (1.15–4.5)

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; PFS, progression free survival; RAS/RAF, any of KRAS, NRAS and/or BRAF mutations.

Blood Res 2020;55:159~168
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