Blood Research

Cases with cytogenetic abnormalities - details of staging, treatment and follow-up.

Case No. Age/sex Cytogenetic abnormality Modified Rai staging Binet staging Treatment Time to treatment Follow-up period
4 57/M Del (13q) High C 6 cycles of BR, achieved CR, followed by 5 cycles of Len maintenance 5 mo 18 mo
5 63/M Trisomy 12 Intermediate B 6 cycles of BR, attained PR, now on observation 1 mo 18 mo
6 51/F Del (13q) Intermediate A - - Lost to follow-up
8 63/F Del (11q) High C Observation - 2 mo
11 57/M Del (11q) High C - - Lost to follow-up
15 80/M Del (13q) Low A Observation - 18 mo
19 55/F Del (13q) Low A Observation - 6 mo
21 48/M Del (13q)+Trisomy 12 High C Observation - 18 mo
22 60/F Del (13q) Low A - - Lost to follow-up
23 70/M Del (17p) Intermediate B 2 cycles of BR, then 6 cycles of R-Len, achieved PR, now Len maintenance 0.2 mo 16 mo
24 74/M Del (13q) Intermediate A Observation - 16 mo
34 57/M Trisomy 12 Intermediate A Observation - 14 mo
35 50/F Del (13q) Low A - - Lost to follow-up
36 67/M Del (11q) High C 3 cycles of R-Clb 2 mo 4 mo
39 69/M Trisomy 12+NOTCH1 mutation Intermediate B 6 cycles of R-Clb, achieved PR, now 4 cycles of Len maintenance 2 mo 13 mo
40 62/M Del (13q) Intermediate B 4 cycles of BR 7.5 mo 13 mo
42 73/M Del (13q) High C - - Lost to follow-up
44 80/M Del (11q) Low A - - Lost to follow-up
45 66/M Del (11q) High C - - Lost to follow-up
50 70/M Del (13q) Intermediate A Observation - 12 mos
51 63/M Trisomy 12 Low A Observation - 12 mo
52 62/F Del (13q) Intermediate A Observation - 5 mo
53 65/M Del (13q) High B 6 cycles of BR, achieved PR 3.5 mo 12 mo
56 65/F Del (13q) High C 9 cycles of R-Clb 1.5 mo 11 mo
57 65/M Del (13q) Intermediate A Observation - 11 mo
61 68/F Del (13q) Low A Observation - 10 mo
65 66/F Trisomy 12 High C 5 cycles of Clb-Pred completed 2.5 mo 9 mo
68 80/F Del (13q) Low A Observation - 9 mo
71 86/M Del (13q) Intermediate A - - Lost to follow-up
72 67/M Trisomy 12 Intermediate C Observation - 8 mo
74 50/F Del (13q) High C Observation - 8 mo
76 74/F Del (13q)+Del (17p) Low A - - Lost to follow-up
77 78/M Del (13q) High C - - Lost to follow-up
78 75/M Del (13q) Intermediate A - - Lost to follow-up

Abbreviations: BR, bendamustine plus rituximab; Clb-Pred, chlorambucil+prednisolone; CR, complete response; Len, lenalidomide; PR, partial response; R-Clb, rituximab+chlorambucil; R-Len, rituximab+lenalidomide.

Blood Res 2020;55:131~138
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