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Fig. 5. The neutralizing effects of donor sera compared to third-party sera as diluents in inhibition FCXM. When the neutralizing effects of the sera of previous sensitizers are evident, their MFI ratios should be less than those generated by the sera diluted with third-party sera and thus should be plotted under the diagonal line, y=x. In the group with both class I and class II DSAs (N=33), neutralizing effects were evident in both T cell and B cell FCXM. In the group with any positive DSAs (class I or class II DSAs, N=74), neutralizing effects were evident in the B cell FCXM only. Abbreviations: DSA, donor-specific HLA alloantibody; FCXM, flow cytometric crossmatch; MFI, mean fluorescence intensity.
Blood Res 2020;55:91~98
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