Blood Research

Comparison of MFI ratios between mixed serum and diluted serum in inhibition FCXM, Wilcoxon signed-rank test.

Donor N T cell MFI ratio, mean±SD, median(range) B cell MFI ratio, mean±SD, median(range)

Inhibition FCXM Conventional FCXM(neat recipient serum) Inhibition FCXM Conventional FCXM(neat recipient serum)

Recipient serum diluted with Mixed serum(recipient+donor) Recipient serum diluted with Mixed serum(recipient+donor)

RPMI Third-party serum RPMI Third-party serum
Previous sensitizer
Negative DSA 69 0.97±0.09 1.01±0.11 1.03±0.15 1.05±0.20 0.96±0.13 1.09±0.18 1.10±0.21 1.14±0.30
0.98▼a)(0.66–1.25) 1.00(0.79–1.50) 1.03(0.67–1.44) 1.00(0.11–1.63) 0.95▼(0.73–1.37) 1.04(0.79–1.95) 1.06(0.81–1.93) 1.05(0.75–2.20)
P<0.00005 P=0.0894 P<0.0000001 P=0.5757
DSA class I alone 14 15.13±33.76 6.93b)±10.01 6.74±10.50 13.38±20.58 17.84±26.92 11.74±14.01 10.87±14.26 22.38±25.20
3.04▲(1.33–125.39) 2.88(1.23–30.81) 2.25(1.31–32.51) 5.28(1.95–77.68) 5.48▼(1.16–85.62) 6.00(1.23–49.33) 5.76(1.16–52.46) 13.54(1.61–94.26)
P<0.01 P=0.1671 P<0.05 P=0.0962
DSA class II alone 27 1.07±0.18 1.07±0.17 1.14±0.25 1.24±0.27 18.99±33.19 18.94±32.01 16.56±24.90 26.10±36.15
1.07(0.59–1.39) 1.04▼(0.79–1.42) 1.06(0.54–1.67) 1.16(0.71–1.83) 4.50(1.34–145.98) 5.08(1.44–138.47) 5.03(1.41–103.53) 8.14(2.06–144.92)
P=0.0652 P<0.05 P=0.5561 P=0.2276
Both DSA classes(class I and II) 33 4.32±5.78 4.13±5.61 3.60±4.53 6.38±9.06 21.40±29.51 20.57±28.98 18.88±26.14 32.39±40.12
1.97▲(0.99–24.77) 1.96(1.00–23.41) 1.55(1.01–18.10) 3.09(1.65–45.78) 7.49▲(2.15–114.56) 7.16(1.60–114.28) 6.19(1.46–91.02) 16.19(3.74–173.15)
P<0.00001 P<0.0005 P<0.0005 P<0.005
Any DSA(class I or II) 74 5.18±15.60 3.54±6.02 3.30±5.72 5.83±11.42 19.85±30.09 18.30±27.91 16.52±23.78 28.20±36.06
1.40▼(0.59–125.39) 1.40▲(0.79–30.81) 1.46(0.54–32.51) 1.99(0.71–77.68) 6.17▲(1.16–145.98) 6.80▲(1.23–138.47) 5.60(1.16–103.53) 12.09(1.61–173.15)
P<0.0001 P<0.05 P<0.0005 P<0.0005
Total 143 3.15±11.38 2.32±4.50 2.20±4.26 3.52±8.53 10.73±23.56 10.00±21.79 9.08±18.72 15.24±29.55
1.04(0.59–125.39) 1.06(0.79–30.81) 1.11(0.54–32.51) 1.18(0.11–77.68) 1.40(0.73–145.98) 1.56▼(0.79–138.47) 1.60(0.81–103.53) 2.11(0.10–173.15)
P=0.4435 P=0.2897 P=0.5126 P<0.001
Non-sensitizer 6 1.00±0.13 1.05±0.08 1.03±0.13 1.14±0.25 1.62±0.78 1.79±0.75 1.71±0.78 1.14±0.19
0.99(0.84–1.18) 1.03(0.97–1.18) 1.00(0.90–1.18) 1.01(0.95–1.59) 1.68(0.64–2.91) 1.72(1.04–3.17) 1.65(0.92–3.12) 1.13(0.83–1.42)
P=0.1441 P=0.2785 P=0.2476 P=0.1411

a)The symbols ▼and ▲indicate a significantly decreased or increased median value, respectively, when the MFI ratios of diluted sera were compared to those of mixed sera. b)Bold fonts indicate the most efficient comparisons between the diluted serum and the mixed serum to reveal neutralization effects with minimal matrix effects.

Abbreviations: DSA, donor-specific HLA alloantibody; MFI, mean fluorescence intensity; RPMI, Roswell Park Memorial Institute medium; SD, standard deviation.

Blood Res 2020;55:91~98
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