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Fig. 1.

Vasovagal reaction (VVR) rate stratified by donation type, age group and gender. The average VVR rate was not different between males and females for whole blood donations (<=0.490), but there was a trend towards a higher rate of VVRs in male whole blood donors less than 30 years of age (43/5,030 for males vs. 40/6,233 for females, <=0.192) and female donors greater than 30 years of age (11/11,370 for males vs. 14/8,127 for females, <=0.147). Female apheresis plasma donors experienced a mean VVR rate that was twice as high compared to male plasma donors (P<0.001) and the trend towards higher VVR rates in females was consistent across all age groups.

Blood Res 2016;51:293~296
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