Blood Research

Cited by CrossRef (3)

  1. Mohammad Ammad Ud Din, Syed Ather Hussain, Leela Krishna Teja Boppana, Dharmini Manogna, Farhan Imran. Spontaneous tumor lysis syndrome in squamous cell carcinoma of the lung. Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings 2021;34:128
  2. Michail Papapanou, Anastasios E. Athanasopoulos, Eleni Georgiadi, Stefanos A. Maragkos, Michalis Liontos, Dimitrios C. Ziogas, Dimitrios Damaskos, Dimitrios Schizas. Spontaneous tumor lysis syndrome in patients with solid tumors: a scoping review of the literature. Med Oncol 2023;40
  3. Jacqueline Causbie, Ariana Ramirez, Joseph Howells. A Case of Spontaneous Tumor Lysis After Pathologic Femur Fracture in Squamous Cell Lung Cancer. Journal of Investigative Medicine High Impact Case Reports 2023;11
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