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Possible risk factors for inhibitor development in previously untreated patients and previously treated patients with hemophilia A.

a)Events within 3 months before inhibitor detection.

No 1. Inhibitor detected at 32 years old and detected at 35 EDs after changing to EHL (extended half-life) FVIII.

No 2. Inhibitor detected at 65 years old after rectosigmoid cancer resection and chemotherapy.

No 3. Inhibitor detected at 55 years old after treatment for hemoperitoneum and liver laceration due to car accident, controlled with plasma-derived FVIII.

No 4. Inhibitor detected at 70 years old after knee arthroplasty.

No 5. Inhibitor detected at 33 years old after Rt with ankle osteotomy with synovectomy and prophylaxis for physical therapy.

Abbreviations: Dz, disease; EDs, exposure days; EHL, extended half-life; FMHX, familial history of inhibitor; HR, high responding; Ihn, inhibitor; Inv, inversion; LR, low responding; PT, physical therapy; SH, severity of hemophilia; SHA, severe hemophilia A; TR, transient inhibitor.

Blood Res 2019;54:204~209
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