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Fig. 1.

Age- and gender-specific mean values for Korean children and adolescents aged 10–20 years. Blue color in the charts indicates data for male participants; red color indicates female data. Iron intake showed increased tendency according to age, but it was not significant in both genders. Serum iron levels rose sharply after age 11 years and plateaued after age 14 years in males; iron levels remained constant or even decreased in females after age 14 years. Hb levels rose sharply after age 11 years and plateaued after age 15 years in males. In females, Hb levels were stable by age 12 years and decreased thereafter, with nadirs at ages 18 and 19 years. Serum ferritin levels exhibited a steep rise after age 14 years in males, but remained constant until age 14 years and decreased thereafter in females. TIBC peaked at age 11 years in females and 12 years in males, with a slight decrease thereafter. TSAT values for males increased significantly after age 14 years and remained relatively constant in female participants.

Blood Res 2018;53:18~24
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