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Fig. 2.

(A) CE-HPLC of a case of heterozygous Hb D-Iran showing a peak in the Hb A2 window with area of 39.4% and retention time of 3.55 min. (B) CE-HPLC of case of heterozygous Hb E showing a peak in the Hb A2 window with area of 25.4% and retention time of 3.71 min. (C) Alkaline electrophoresis at pH 6.8 shows a case of heterozygous Hb E and heterozygous Hb D-Iran in lane 1 and 10 marked with dashed arrow and uninterrupted arrow respectively. (D) Acid electrophoresis at pH 6.0 shows a case of heterozygous Hb E and heterozygous Hb D-Iran in lane 1 and 10, marked with dashed arrow and uninterrupted arrow respectively. In both (C) and (D), lane 4 represents a case of Hb E/β-thalassemia, while lanes 5 and 6 are homozygous Hb E cases.

Blood Res 2017;52:130~134
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